write a plaint charges 50 yuan

Fudge stall courthouse party fooled a judicial court is recommended, but responded poorly to this end

Black Lawyers 'modus' unsupervised

Entrenched in the courthouse at all levels of black lawyers rank or grade,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, but has never put in place regulatory authorities. After a party cheated, unable to return to the costs, and ultimately to the court proceedings.

After this case, the Court issued three recommendations to the relevant departments of Justice,http://www.one6688.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=88016, however, only one reply, is under no obligation to consider themselves ......


Black lawyers fight Shuguan Si Cheng Beigao

Not long ago, the city of Miyun Mr. Zhang and his ex-wife after the divorce property division due to a dispute. Prior to this, the two sides have reached a settlement agreement in court: his ex-wife after the divorce, all property owned. Since then, Mr. Zhang wants to go back back to the house, he found the claim to be a lawyer in front of the Palace of Miyun court.

Gong said he had a friend in court,woolrich outlet shop online,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, what can win a lawsuit. Sure enough, Mr. Zhang Gong give a first impression of the legal aspects of the matter is all-powerful, "Just listen to me, to ensure that the lawsuit to win, to get back to the house."

So, Mr. Zhang happy to give Palace a 2700 yuan agency fees, a palace submitted to the court on behalf of their retrial.

Thereafter, the court shall dismiss Mr. Zhang's retrial. The house did not want to come back is not that also white spent the money, but this time,http://www.saidauto.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=959393&extra=, Mr. Zhang also learned from other people, the Palace is not a lawyer, so he huff request a refund of the Palace of agency fees, the rejected After Mr. Zhang will each other to court.

Because Mr. Zhang Gong did not give a receipt issued by the appropriate agency fees charged when, in a palace on the court denied Mr. Zhang has delivered $ 2700 statement, claiming that he received only 2,000 yuan. The two sides eventually reached a settlement,http://www.psychologicalselfhelp.org, with a total return of Mr. Zhang Gong 1500 yuan in the end.

Later, Mr. Zhang telling everyone: Do not look for black lawyers litigate the streets!

On site

Van embrace open street stall case

Mr. Zhang said the streets in order to investigate the situation of black lawyers, reporters came to the Miyun court early in the morning,http://www.nurs.or.jp/~mirai/bbs3/apeboard_plus.cgi/, this time from the court to work there for half an hour, the west side of the court, in front of the court filing narrow road, has emerged a dozen "lawyers stand."

Reporters noted that gathered here Lanhuo street lawyer in 3 and so on. First is an open van; the second is cycling; Third is to take a small bench.

Among the van as a temporary reception room of "lawyer" Only three, the office environment is regarded as good, but they charge is relatively high, the agent in charge of a case between 1500-3000 yuan. Minimum charge is take a small bench, they write on behalf of the main complaint, write a plaint charges 50 yuan, occasionally proxy litigation, each case charges 300-500 yuan.

Reporter to fight divorce on the grounds, consulting a van owners. The owners claimed Liu lawyer, he invited the reporter a small van parked on the roadside, "a total fee of 2,000 yuan, 500 yuan of which is used for forensics."

Liu told reporters lawyer, has asked several lawyers, said the lack of evidence, it is difficult to win a lawsuit. Mr. Liu said: "It was my court, you win a lawsuit packages, Fenwenbuqu win."

Liu lawyers leave the booth, the reporter went to another lawyer stalls, stall holders claiming that Mr. Chen, he hit every piece of civil disputes lawsuit charges 2,000 yuan.

Mr. Chen told reporters, there is a divorce case, the Court of First Instance in Miyun already lost the fight, I do not know the second instance there is no certainty over. Chen lawyers keen on the idea without hesitation: "No problem, two people in the hospital we package you turn it over."

Reporters walked five consecutive lawyers share, whether it is the demolition of lawsuits, divorce, or a contract dispute lawsuit; whether it is still the second trial of first instance, these lawyers stalls "lawyer" are winning package, and some do not promise not to win money.


Dunshou courthouse to find the source case

According to gather in front of the Miyun Court Street lawyers issued cards, reporters Login city Bar Association website, showed "no such person." "People's Republic of China Lawyers Law" Article 14 states: "There is no staff lawyers to obtain permits, not in the name of practicing lawyers." "Not for the sake of economic interests in the litigation or defense business."

Miyun Humou is a street in front of the court lawyer, he confided to a reporter: there are no street lawyer qualification as a lawyer, not a real lawyer, most of them are self-taught, learned some knowledge of the law, the came here looking to do business in.

According to the judge Miyun Court estimates that the hospital accepted the case, the black counsel about one-fifth. One way to attract black lawyers in front of the court cases of squatting, the second is described by the relationship. In addition, these black lawyers, each with their own activity sites, some people embrace in front of the court case; some people in front of the court sent specifically to each contract business,fabbrica moncler, independently of each other.


Not incite the parties filing the petition

For black lawyers,prada borse tracolla, Xu Zheng Zheng Miyun court judge held that they seriously interfere with the normal legal order trial. First, these black lawyers in order to attract business, often to promote their acquaintances in the court to ensure that you can win the lawsuit, which gives the court to bring a very large negative impact; followed by a black lawyer does not have the professional knowledge and practice of quality.

"Miyun court hearing several cases this year, it is because these black lawyers had misunderstood the law, or for a fee, the parties intend to incite action, the results should lead to some problems." Xu Zheng Zheng judge introduced.

It is understood that earlier this year, four migrant workers intend to ask for compensation due to Miyun court,http://www.cap.ne.jp, the agent is a long time in front of the court set up their stalls of black lawyers. The trial judge described the case of the black lawyers due to little grasp of legal knowledge, poor level of understanding of the law is unclear, allowed to grasp, the court did not filing, and he and four migrant workers explained.

The black lawyer told four parties, the court was overcharged for litigation costs, increasing the number of courts not only to the filing, the instigation of the parties to petition the court to the higher authorities, the Court and both parties spent a lot of energy.

How to distinguish black lawyers

A general license number printed on formal attorney lawyer business card, the parties can check the Internet;

Second, the first formal reception party lawyer, law firm office in general, and black law

Division, usually selected restaurants, teahouses and other non-formal

Front party sites;

Third, the parties will issue a formal attorney fees formal invoice, or receipt issued IOUs black lawyers;

Fourth, the formal promise never win or lose the lawsuit lawyers, solicitors law is strictly prohibited to do so,http://www.pixian.sc.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, and the black bag litigation lawyer,prada luna rossa scarpe, in order to attract business.

Status quo

Black lawyers in the state of limbo

Mr. Zhang divorce case exposed in front of the court case, the phenomenon of black lawyers arbitrarily, Miyun County Court were to Miyun County Business Bureau, Miyun county pipe brigade, Miyun County Bureau of Justice issued a judicial recommendation. Proposal pointed out, the court accepted the case on the rise, this phenomenon in a way that gave birth to the occupation of citizens agent industry.

Citizens proxy to some extent make up the current market for legal services staff shortage, but there are some parts of the adverse agent pick shelf appeal litigation instigated the parties refuses mediation, wild speculations, and even retention compensation payments, money and other fraud.

If allowed to proceed unchecked, chaos can not be effectively controlled.

For this reason, the Court recommends that the Miyun Industrial and Commercial Bureau, to provide paid legal services to increase citizens' efforts to deal with, especially on the streets before the court filing warn placeholder football hall of First Instance conduct regulation, in violation of the relevant provisions of the parties to be charged Citizens agents give specifications and dealt with severely.

They suggested to Miyun urban management unit, for unlicensed operation, long-term occupation of the streets in the civil legal services regularly cleaned.

Miyun also to the Bureau of Justice approved the recommendations provided to the public announcement of the law firm paid legal services, legal services clinics list of lawyers, publicity, unify and reduce legal fees reference standards, to provide the necessary law is indeed difficult economic party aid for lawyers and legal professionals in the industry to strengthen supervision and standardize the behavior of their legal services.

It is understood that, for the Miyun Court of Justice proposal,louboutin chaussures soldes, only three units responded Miyun Industrial and Commercial Bureau, "paid agents citizen legal action does not fall within the jurisdiction of the administrative department for industry and commerce, to warn the court outside the footprint of the regulatory part of the urban management department . The Responsibilities, "" The current state of these black lawyers in limbo, but I personally think that in fact they can take care of the three, free to set up a stall at the courthouse, the inspectors should be managed; they are operating without a license fee, the business can be managed; justice Bureau of Justice itself regulate practitioners responsibilities. "The judge said Xu Zheng Zheng.


By the "case bugs" can deceive report

Gathered around the court for the "case of insects", Fengtai court filing court judge reminded the parties, not to find those unidentified "lawyer" to court, they are not looking to write a complaint. Filing court judge pointed out that these so-called "lawyer" is actually not a lawyer, the parties simply irresponsible. Take written complaint, the identity of the plaintiff, the defendant did not review the clear demands are unreasonable, the court can not review the filing, the parties affected normal prosecution.

Judge recommends that if a lawyer act as an agent, to the positive law of the best on the firm appointed lawyer, but also to see their lawyer's license, see if it is a formal attorney.

Staff at law tube Bureau of Justice stated that "case bugs" to "lawyer" and the name of contract case, a charge has been arrested for fraud, the parties can go to the local police station.

● Host Yao Bo comment

The survey of interactive media: Beijing Traffic Radio (FM103.9)

"Space Police Law" column

Case broadcast time: at 11:00 on October 26

Although black lawyers, "black", but "black" instead of "blind" to break the law, a more serious nature.

Black lawyers as "small property room", "small property room" lived not feel at ease, to find black lawyers handling unsafe.

Lawyers on behalf of private rights, private rights of this genus vulnerable, so lawyers "exclude" type of access in respect of strict qualifications.

Protect their interests, away from black lawyers.

Edition text / reporter intern reporter Hu Qin Shengli Sun Huili affordable mapping / Xiao Xiao