to cultivate children's self-reliance

Daughter after being tripped curses missed mom to stop abusive mother tried to kill the woman yesterday

When her daughter was in junior high school, the mother of his daughter to do the bank card. To before the incident, only 16 years old will have a four Xiaowen bank card; if you do not give money, she hit parents, threatening the couple; the mother will be the regular monthly 1,700 yuan to his daughter, "tonic Source: Southern TV "Today line" money ", but it had more than 20 days per month,, but also to his mother for money Xiaowen; Xiaowen temper, had three set fire to a mattress at home; a few days before the incident,piumini woolrich, Xiaowen also had a quarrel with his father, his father slapped hands a few ears; quarrel with his mother actually ask for "an apology fee" ......

There are so many misdeeds daughter, parents' education in the child's growth in the end what is the role?

Man, map /

Reporters Linxia Hong

Correspondent Lai Xuan law

In the eyes of a husband "love their husbands and children more than you love yourself" mother, daughter for failing to meet unreasonable demands, was the daughter of physical or verbal abuse, fighting in the 16 years she personally only child Wu Si, causing the family tragedy. Yesterday, the mother in Guangzhou Liwan District Court arraigned for trial.

Mother charged with intentional assault

10:00 yesterday,peuterey revenge, only 41-year-old defendant Xie Jun (a pseudonym), wearing hoods were brought to court in Liwan district court first. When the bailiff peeled off caps, Xie Jun revealing gray hair. Seeing the situation, Xie Jun's husband and three male relatives could not help but silently hand wiping away his tears.

Prosecutor read out the indictment in court. The indictment alleges that,hogan bianche, August 18, 2011 20 am, Xie Jun Chen Gang Road, located in Liwan District home, because her daughter asked her to come up with 5900 yuan Xiaowen issue for the purchase of Apple computers, the occurrence of a dispute with her daughter, and then fighting each other. Xie Jun feet stumble Xiaowen,hogan scontate online, resulting Xiaowen fell face close to the ground and a square pillow, Jun Xie Xiaowen that sit back, and his hands on the head so that it can not say anything Xiaowen,moncler outlet trebaseleghe, resulting Xiaowen suffocation.

Public prosecutor that Xie Jun's behavior constituted a crime of intentional injury. Given that they have surrendered such as lighter and mitigating circumstances, the prosecutor recommended that the Court of Xie Jun between 3-10 year sentence.

Ridiculous requirements cited her daughter Wars

The evening of August 17 this year, once again broke out between mother and daughter quarrel. Xie Jun, said her daughter's school to do secure way, you need to go to the photo studio. But Xie Jun daughter is asking to go home to master photography. "How could I go home to master it?" Because her daughter failed to meet the requirements of that night,woolrich giacchetto, mother and daughter had a falling out three hours, her daughter also took out a kitchen knife to threaten the mother.

August 18 evening, ready to go when Xie Jun, Xiaowen back. Xiaowen require Apple to buy her mother, but also pay her 5,900 yuan. "She said, arguing the three hours the first night stands, delay her time, a sum of 900 yuan. Also, because I said she checked the accounts as well as 6300 yuan, she felt I checked the account without her consent, to me compensation for 5000 yuan 'apology fee'. "

Xie Jun promised his daughter to buy Apple's request, but refused to give her 5,900 yuan in "damages." "You say 5900 today,moncler shop online, but also tomorrow,, 19000, where I have so much money?" After being rejected, Xiaowen very dissatisfied, kicking his mother kicked, slapped mother Youshen fan shot ready. Xie Jun hand homeopathy a bar, but do not care to her daughter's skirt Chelan.

Xiaowen fury, turned on the kitchen knife on the coffee table when they pick a fight last night. Fight, Xie Jun daughter stumbled to the ground with their feet. When Xiaowen fell face just before she was buried on the floor of a square pillow, face down in the tummy. At this point, Xiaowen still use obscene language vicious curse Xie Jun.

"She is holding a kitchen knife, still call me." Xie Jun said, in order to prevent her daughter curse, then sit back her hands on her head so that it can not say anything. Press a few minutes later, Xiaowen voice getting smaller and smaller, and finally no sound. Xie Jun found immediately let go, call 110, and 120.

"To see her daughter did not speak, I have the heart to die ......" Xie Jun break out crying: "I am not going to kill her, just to prevent her daughter's abuse and beatings know if this is so, I'd rather die .... ... "

Focus of the trial:

Intentional injury or wrongful death?

Xie Jun's lawyer believes that this family tragedy, Xiaowen long angered parents, humiliated parents, to stir up trouble. The same day, just after Xie Jun humiliated block, rather than charged in the indictment, "fighting each other," Xie Jun riposte behavior is normal defensive nature, just to stop her physical or verbal abuse, not to intentionally hurt his daughter , set her daughter to death. Therefore, Xie Jun's behavior only constitute negligence causing death, rather than the crime of intentional injury.

In addition, the lawyer also believes that, in this case there is a major fault Xiaowen of the tragedy can not shirk its responsibility.

Prosecutors claimed that Xie Jun stumble upon the Xiaowen, sat her daughter, her daughter's head on a pillow pressed, as an adult, she should know what will happen to do so. Prosecutors believe that Xie Jun is unbearable because of her daughter's long-term physical or verbal abuse was doing with intentional injury,outlet cadriano woolrich, intentional assault.

Xie Jun said simply when the final statement of the sentence: "I really was not intentional, I am sorry for his family, his daughter has been my hope ......" When the judge asked what advice Xie Jun sentencing when Xie Jun whispered : "I have no comment, you sentenced me to death,outlet scarpe hogan, I no opinion!"

Mother in the eyes of her daughter: pampered childhood unreasonable

Yesterday the trial, Xie Jun tells tears off slowly opened the tragedy of reason:

Xie Jun, 41, has a college education, to work in a property company. Xiaowen is 16 years old this year, she and her husband's daughter. But since a few years ago on the first day Xiaowen, daughter relationship with their parents they are not very good.

In fact, my daughter what they try to meet the requirements. When her daughter was in junior high school, Xie Jun for her daughter to do the bank card. To before the incident,hogan donna scarpe, only 16 years old Xiaowen will have four bank cards. Xie Jun, said her daughter is not afraid of anyone at home. "Usually she unreasonable, if not money, she hit us, threaten us two couples."

Xiaowen occur from time to time with their parents quarrel, scold parents, sometimes even their parents fight, fan parents face. Before the incident, in addition to the monthly cost of living outside, Xie Jun will be the regular monthly 1,700 yuan to his daughter, "tonic money." However, the 1700 yuan of "tonic money" simply does not take a month, after just over 20 days, Xiaowen would have to ask his mother for money.

Prosecutors told the court produced a mattress photos, mattresses photos have been burned at the scene. Xie Jun said Xiaowen temper, had set fire to a mattress at home three times. Days,moncler lans, Xiaowen also quarrel with his father before the incident occurred, his father a few ears fan.

Husband in the eyes of his wife: "She loves children more than you love yourself,"

Xie Jun's husband Chung said: "This incident gives us the peace of the family had catastrophic consequences, can be described as wives and children, family members dead, great sorrow I feel helpless."

Bitter experience, Chung believes that this tragedy can mainly be attributed to 16-year-old daughter, violent character, ignoring the elders, to achieve the purpose of the initiative to provoke trouble. In Chung's eyes, his wife is a wife and mother, her daughter's dedication to growth, fond of children, her husband more than you love yourself. "We are the couple to take a moderate, unreasonable ways to educate and guide her, like a lot of ways, but did not work. Complex social environment and the school environment, we can not control."

Chung said his wife is caring for the child thoughtful, meticulous. "We are also very good marital relations, when the accident happened, I deplore the daughter, but I will not sue his wife." After the incident, his wife lose, the feeling was dead, had Xiangtiao Lou suicide.

Education experts: parents wrong with "love" on behalf of religion

National Family education expert speakers bureau, Guangdong Province Family Education Research Association,, Guangzhou, 109 secondary school principals Zhang Zhongqing that the present case,collana di tiffany, the parents have a wrong idea at the time to educate their children, that "love" on behalf of religion. "They thought that love is good, not knowing which of their 'love' is not real love." Zhang Zhongqing said,, "As a great man said to the children of the most terrible gift - endless love, there is no principle of love. It is this 'love' is the real harm to the child. "

Zhang Zhongqing believes that parents really love children need love, to cultivate children's tenacious ability to survive, to cultivate children's self-reliance, self-discipline, self-reliance, to cultivate children's healthy personality.

Psychological experts: unconditional love for children becomes selfish

Guangzhou Brain Hospital, deputy director of clinical psychology,, said Xu Wenjun analysis, Xiaowen parents when raising children, too spoiled, protection, physical exertion. Kids take for granted that all parents are supposed to gradually lose the spirit of Thanksgiving, the formation of selfish character, parents need to unconditionally meet their aspirations.

Xu Wenjun said that once the formation of such a character, one day asked the children raised over, are not met, his reaction will be very strong, and he will put parents as the enemy. Xu Wenjun recommend that parents should make an effort to let the children accept some setbacks,, this will mature.

Notes for Editors

Like a child in relation to grind grind sometimes Barley

Child seen a strange thing, the village farmers sometimes grind stone rolling green barley grass. Strange to say, when the wheat harvest in the coming year, the production does seem to be higher.

Child or is not it. In psychology, newborn child will think he is the center of the world. It would have been a human psychological development necessary step, however, people always want to grow, awake from ignorant, we must first confront their parents, and then have to face the whole world. How to face, are to learn.

Then how to learn? The ancients had said, "sticks out under the dutiful son," from the specific method it should be wrong, but from the idea of it can not be said that there is no truth. In many cases, you can only use the pain caused by a sense of frustration, frustration to promote mental maturity.

In contrast Xiaowen mother, love and care for children, and even meet her numerous unreasonable and even absurd demands, leading to mental Xiaowen far did not reach the age appropriate level. Her tragedy is the tragedy of the family,, but also the tragedy of educational philosophy.

I only hope that their parents love, temper justice with mercy, become a child growing up in the "Nianzishan." (TAO kaihe)

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