leaving a row when Limin Zhang

Under the leadership cadres even a soldier, squatting even live classes, both the General Political Department recently issued "Regulations" in the requirements, but also to carry forward the glorious traditions of our military,http://yule.iqiyi.com/zbj.html?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, in close contact and good practices grassroots. Solid squat in the grass for some, not only to narrow the emotional distance of leading cadres and soldiers,http://mebel-kurkino.ru, to improve understanding of the facts of the grassroots,abercrombie france, but also re-rich military life. Squatting even live classes, is to improve the style, to overcome the "more than five" phenomenon proven a good way. Practice shows that,boutique louboutin paris, with feelings,http://happy-marron.com/cgi/diary/nicky/nicky.cgi, with responsibility, with the thinking from the perspective of Soldiers' responsibility to weigh the leading organs, the rank and file feel cold, grasping build grassroots tactics will be more and more emboldened.

Excerpts from now open "squatting even live classes in progress" column, record the story of leaders and cadres in squatting even live classes, and occurs during their thoughts and see Gordon, welcome Cigao.

One day in March, the political commissar of the Xinjiang Military Region Division Limin Zhang came consecutive months of armored armored infantry regiment. The company began a ministry specifically for him even to arrange a room, who knows Limin Zhang to the company ranked squad in a circle, put an empty backpack into four classes covered: "I slept here."

Four classes,tiffany outlet, political commissar of the soldiers did not think even squat Dundao his class, inevitably some tension, Limin Zhang approached several times to talk to them, we dodge, and occasionally also say a few words muttered. Weekend, Limin Zhang proposed playing "old K" recreation and entertainment, the soldiers can not say "no" means that "technology is not good", and finally getting in the table, but also cautious,http://thuvienvatly.com, for fear of wrong card.

Once night after lights out, trained soldiers a day after another fell asleep, Limin Zhang found that the window of Lance Corporal capped rummaging not sleep.

Got a look, Limin Zhang surprised: Bai Bigang even sleep wearing a mask, but also more than one level. I asked to know, he grunts big squad Ma Lei, political commissar of fears to rest, gave him a two masks, which makes snoring usually bumped Baibi Gang hit the pillow had pressure.

"Mask off to sleep, I snore once the fighting, fierce than you!" Limin Zhang, then let Baibi Gang suddenly relaxed, soon sounded snore. That night, Limin Zhang was awake: "Why sleep in bunk soldiers,http://www.infocrystal.com/alink/apeboard_plus.cgi/, still so far away from the soldiers?"

The next day, Limin Zhang and soldiers gradually cooked, and also to find out the class of each soldier's "bottom line": the squad is Zhixing Zi Ma Lei; Lv Yusheng vice squad introverted personality, work principled, he in charge of the House class won the House health red flag; Peng Pei Pvt whole company "elevation" the highest, love to play basketball, Kobe idol ......

Several company meetings,air jordan homme pas cher, Limin Zhang Peng Pei Pvt found particularly conspicuous white shoes, I asked to know he was wearing shoes 49 yards, and each made shoes are not fit, could not find the warehouse division. One day after breakfast,http://okozukai02.seesaa.net, with a segment of contact Limin Zhang, Peng Pei quickly put on a new pair of shoes fit the foot.

Weeks passed quickly, leaving a row when Limin Zhang, the soldiers who have brought a notebook, please leave a message, political commissar of the signature. Limin Zhang written very carefully, but also left a phone number.

Back to the division, Limin Zhang talked about his own experience, the other division Party committee empathy: Li, deputy commander at the time of the new regiment barracks discussions, specially arranged for the company recruits college students talk about the highlights of neglect issues; fortunately, deputy political commissar in the months after the company, company specialized requirements ChuiShiBan food to eat.

Teacher party "members" analysis that is easy to "be extraordinary" grassroots leadership,hollister france,http://jyutaku01.seesaa.net, the surface is the rank and file of the behavior, the root cause is still the leading organs. Soon, "the division Party committee to strengthen style construction fifteen" introduced into practice. Document identifies research division Party committee system: Every year the months of research at the grassroots level more than three times, for a total of not less than 60 days; after an extended stay units randomly assigned to the regiment,http://www.fantem.com/phpwind/read.php?tid=2029299&ds=1, let grassroots prepared in advance; bed sleeping soldiers, the soldiers eat rice, wage war friend listen to the story of the soldiers, Xie Bing problem ......

Division office calling the shots, Li said Li changed, the wind blowing righteousness, won a favorable rank and file.