when May 10

Shuai Changsha reported to the reporter,nike tn pas cher

2005, often four clear Huaxia Road in Changsha Kaifu District, opened a clothing store, more than 50 square meters of shop installed two rolling gates. 21:00 one more, China Road, east side of the road on the stalls filled with supper. Four clear so often troubling, since his shop since, after late night customers within the emergency, some people will choose the nearest corner shop door in his pee,http://lauzyprygdjerwwprqqq.seesaa.net, rolling gates became a urinal. Corrosion due to prolonged exposure to urine, steel rolling gates eight years replaced four times.

Corroded steel rolling gates, pee dry

At 11:00 on May 13, the reporter went to Chang Qing four clothing stores, stores to the left of the gate volume, from a height of about 63 cm steel at ground has been removed.

Piece covered with rust on the steel plate to be replaced, and some regional and even corrosion off. 3 maintenance staff spent three hours to make up a few new plate. Zhang said the master maintenance staff, rolling gates are color steel material,hogan interactive, is unknown liquid eroded.

What corrosive liquid dry? Often four clear answers to reporters very surprised.

"Human urine."

Often four clear that, although there are public toilets hundred meters, but many late night drink wine public convenience directly to the door of his shop when the "toilet",louboutin pas cher, faces the gate to pee.

Posted notices to discourage drunk people do not seriously

"After the shop opened, this situation has existed for eight years for the four times rolling gates." Four Cleanups often said that in addition to urine smell of urine, the urine has long been corroded volume gate did not take long will rot. "Another urine has not been attacked, and eight years only one bad times."

In January, the lower left corner of the left gate volume appeared rust off phenomenon, when May 10,http://www.sqitz.com, rolling gates have not closing properly.

May 12, rolling gates rot increasingly clear that there are some security risks, in order to avoid greater losses suffered, often only got four clean maintenance personnel,http://www.dukeint.co.jp, the repair took him 350 yuan.

"My friends, please do not pee in the door." Four Cleanups often said that he had several times in front of the store posted notices, late night people do not want to pee in the door, but simply no effect, "some drunken who did not take notice seriously. "

Beer urine so that "Audio Bible" process accelerates

Salt accelerate electron transfer, corrosion extends to the interior steel

Hunan Normal University chemistry expert reports, rolling gates made by color steel (cold-rolled steel,scarpe hogan, galvanized steel, the surface after chemical treatment or composite organic thin film coating, and then cured and baked goods made,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, the material is mainly iron and carbon), members of the public in the late night,http://mobile.deai-fraud.com, the body of salt is usually increased, if you drink beer,http://crevalue.net, it will help the body's salt excreted, so as to maintain the body electrolyte balance.

Non-neutral when the urine was urine in the water will dissolve carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air, the volume of the iron gate and they will react, with a lot of salt in the urine, so that the electron transfer rate, corrosion will be further extended to the iron gate inside.

Even if the water dried up, hydrophilic substances such as urea,chaussures louboutin hommes, uric acid, the active absorption of moisture from the air, making the whole day and night to make the corrosion process, combined with a lot of late night people, urine constantly accumulate, "Audio Bible" process was 2012 accelerated to short, resulting in rolling gates rot.

[Street respond]

Pee in the street for the first time received a complaint

Snack stall will strengthen publicity and education

New River Street Office of Urban Management Office Director Liu Weiping said China Road Night Market Street has 10 years of history, is now one of the Changsha City Authority approved the establishment of the night market specification point. There are a variety of large and small snack stalls than 30, about 100 people by the living.

Street Management Office every day two managers, two coordinators on site inspections, resolve disputes,http://www.winedin.com/crab/pair_food_wine.php?food=register.cgi, and four cleaning staff in charge of health clean.

Liu Weiping said that the complaints received by the Office of Urban Management, mostly reflecting the snack stalls noise, smoke nuisance, but there are customers in the street for the first time pee complaints received.

Liu Weiping said that the street can not send someone to keep in the shop, they will send staff to understand the situation as soon as possible to find the owner, and the neighboring stall publicity and education,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/link]Initial, to influence through their dining staff, if the customer convenience needs, stall should be noted toilet location. But also at the table posted tagline "civilized supper" of the class.

[Further reading]

Fresh urine can be directly watering it? NO

Human urine is containing N (nitrogen) more, including P (phosphorus), K (potassium) less organic fertilizer, after application can promote plant growth, robust, but fresh human urine can be used immediately watering flowers, must be fully fermented, can be used after maturity. Without decomposition of human urine once applied will cause damage to plant roots, decay, it is because human urine in the fermentation process will produce heat, so that soil warming sake. Human urine can be collected into the wide-mouth container affix (do not overtighten cover to avoid bursting), placed in the appropriate place outdoors. About 20 days in summer, in winter it is best to 2-3 months to fully fermented, diluted with water before use down to 1/10.