while the woman surnamed Zhang alarm

BEIJING, Sept. 25, according to Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po", Ap Liu Street, Sham Shui Po,http://www.fan.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/moonlight/fantasy.cgi,jordan pas cher, Hong Kong thriller fire occurred on the 24th morning. A living room tenement flats suspected electrical short circuit occurs due to fire, but once triggered "flashover" phenomenon. At that time, the couple headed body in the bedroom,tn pas cher, avoid unharmed, but the female-headed retrieve beloved daughter designer handbags, actually risked his life to return items seized her room. Finally, the woman shall assist fire ladder down; husband and another woman were guests to escape along the stairs. 3 people with the result of smoke inhalation, to be sent to hospital for examination. During more than 20 residents fled to escape the building, but did not lead to heavy casualties.

Ap Liu Street site for 111 to 113 9-storey old tenement buildings,scarpe hogan donna,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad2/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=6775&res=1&page=0, accident location for the 4th floor of an area of nearly 800 sq ft 2 Bed 1 Living units. Couple sue insurance flames were: female heads of household surnamed Huang (54 years old), and her husband named Yang (57 years old). It is reported that the couple fathered two daughters. Because Huang Fu suited life in Hong Kong to the Mainland often with mezzo Jiangmen live only between husband and eldest daughter of the return visit. A few days ago, she returned to Hong Kong on the site temporarily. Time of the incident,http://rswww.co.jp, the eldest daughter had to go to work, the couple is still room to sleep.

Reported that 10 o'clock on the 24th morning, Huang was blowing smoke choked the woman suddenly wake up, open the door He see the living room glowing,http://www.xinhelan.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, full of smoke, then immediately closed and woke her husband, and open the windows wide motions on others. Period, she suddenly remembered the eldest daughter of a beloved designer handbags to stay in the room, then regardless of the danger, once again open the door through the living room fire,http://www1.u-netsurf.ne.jp/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/tiny-m/apeboard_plus.cgi/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=14/, ran out into the daughter's room removed handbags, and then turn back bedroom with her husband to continue leaning out of windows to be rescued. Later, it was revealed that the fire, in order to estimate the extent of the fire burned, was once the scene of occurrence "flashover" phenomenon,burberry outlet milano, but at the time the couple were headed in the bedroom, avoid unharmed.

On the other hand, a lot of smoke pouring from the staircase or spread units spread upstairs window units. More than 20 residents fled down the stairs or onto the rooftops to be rescued. Fire Department received multiple calls residents, became agitated, and immediately deployed more fire trucks (including the ladder truck) to save the scene, police officer directing traffic to assist road closures. During part of the firefighters to evacuate residents of a building along the staircase ascends fire and assistance. Meanwhile, firefighters also raised ladder,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=6194&res=1&page=10, first of all female-headed fire trapped rescued by the window; as for male-headed into the fire by firefighters help along the stairs to escape. Period, male and female heads of households, and a 36-year-old female resident were due to smoke inhalation, to be sent to hospital for examination.

Where living in a 6th floor unit woman surnamed Zhang said the 21-year-old son was taking a bath. During the hurried escape, his son has a chance to put on their pants, while the woman surnamed Zhang alarm, while holding only 4-month-old puppy escape,piumini moncler, quite embarrassed.

After about half an hour, until 10:35 am, the fire put out the blaze,http://www.umanosato.com/clip/clip.cgi, but the unit has been severely damaged in the living room. Fire after fire units to trace cause of the fire,http://sjh.bbs.windplay.cn/forum-53-1.html?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, initially believed to be spread to the living room sofa electrical short circuit, causing the fire got out of hand; no suspicious fire.