120 requests for rescue.

Changzhou cracked the case of mass poisoning of 23 people,http://www.jemca.or.jp

WASHINGTON The hotel staff was dismissed after a grudge, containing nitrite "nitrate" put in the salt tank. Firing staff meals with salt-containing nitrite after chef, leading to the hotel after eating poisoned 23 employees.

Reporters learned yesterday,http://bellu.blog.shinobi.jp, Wang found guilty poisoner put dangerous substances are Changzhou belfry court sentenced to three years imprisonment. Wang compensation incidental civil plaintiff accused the white one, who totaled 18,475.48 yuan.

April 16,http://www.rfccfy.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1558923&fromuid=2867, 2008 at noon,hogan outlet scarpe, Changzhou hotel 23 employees work in edible purple lips start to appear after a meal, abdominal pain, chest tightness and other symptoms of poisoning. According to a toxic employee recalls the morning 10 to 30 minutes or so, the hotel staff are starting to eat meals, after dinner time soon, coworkers began vomiting, purple lips,moncler jersey, malaise and other symptoms. Some hastened to make 110,120 requests for rescue.

According to Changzhou City,http://www.fantem.com/phpwind/read.php?tid=2241440&ds=1, a hospital emergency room medical staff briefing, then sent to the hospital of the patient's symptoms are very similar, both showed cyanosis,http://mari.spzgh.org/blog.cgi,woolrich bambini, dyspnea, initially diagnosed as nitrite poisoning. After treatment, 22 April 2008, 23 staff end of the treatment of poisoning have been discharged.

What are poisonous meal inside? Soon,moncler liane, Changzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a report evidence examination confirmed duck soup casserole on the table in the hall, the pale yellow powder room cold dish east of the south wall of the middle platform of a grid inside the plastic bag,http://lady-tina.com/cgi/livbb/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=90/, the kitchen table in the middle of spices wipes put salt seasoning on the edge of the basin and other objects were detected in nitrite ingredients.

Following a police investigation,http://www.zjdlb.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, determine human poisoning. The hotel is the former employee arrested Wang put dangerous substances on May 4, 2008, was arrested. Identified,sneakers air max basket jordan femme pas cher air max new,http://www.crive.net, Wang is responsible for cold dish coolie hotel, having been dismissed disgruntled, so the "nitrate" dropped into the salt jar.

(Zhou Jie Tong Jiasong Ma Ben)