four years later

Organ Donation: Finding a smooth road

To achieve her wish is not so simple, China will soon establish organ donation system, supporting management and service are clearly not yet perfect.

Reporter | Wang Ruohan

This is a moving story, one pair Nianyuhuajia couples daughter dying on the occasion, in order to complete her wish, resolutely decided to donate her organs to help others to extend life, and has repeatedly stressed All the organs are donated can donate.

But in the process of organ donation in the couple discovered that in order to achieve her wish is not so simple, China will soon establish organ donation system, supporting management and service are clearly not yet perfect.

Daughter's wish

In February 2009, has just returned from studying in France tubules girl was admitted because of glioma Huashan Hospital neurosurgery ward. Before the surgery, she solemnly entrusted both parents wish: a case of the unfortunate event occurs, be sure to put all donated organs are able to donate; two parents must be good to live... It was a very successful operation,, only a small tube girl back home, but also back to work. However, in 2013, four years later, in September, a small tube of intracranial tumors or relapse, and has begun to spread in the brain, there is no surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy the chance.

Grief, a small tube of parents think of her daughter four years ago, wish, it seems the tube mother, his daughter so good, yet so young, so healthy organs can be donated if someone else can save a good few lives, Several families will be able to re-let to enjoy their grandchildren.

However, organ donation roads where ah? November 21, 2013, the daughter taken to hospital Huashan Hospital North tube mother and began frantically asking way organ donation. By people pointing, tube mother has contacted the Red Cross and the Shanghai Huashan Hospital, North institutes in the Baoshan District of the Red Cross, the Red Cross may be relevant when the tube female staff expressed a willingness to donate her organs, the red Cross staff has come up with a "body donation registration form" signed by the management to the mother. And organ donation is different "body donation" is after death, it remains for medical anatomy,, and not in a very short time after his death, the health of the body organ harvesting for transplant to other waiting organ transplant patients.

After more than a week of looking after the mother has been physically and mentally exhausted tube almost wanted to give up, then, a doctor Huashan Hospital North hospital to provide her with a clue: Huashan Hospital nephrologist Professor Zhang Mingfu responsible for organ donation work .

By Professor Zhang Mingfu contact, November 29,, 2013, has fallen into a deep coma tubules girl turned into the Huashan Hospital Center ICU, after one day of the assessment, a small tube girl with normal liver function, kidney function was normal, December 1 morning, the parents came to Huashan Hospital Center ICU conference room, with a Chinese human organ donation coordinator Certificate of Professor Zhang Mingfu, nephrology nursing Shiji Li, Wang Zhengping urology nurse for their careful handling of the "Shanghai human organ donation registration. table "," Shanghai human organ donation and informed book "signed consent. In this process, Professor Shao Jianhua, vice president and director of the Office of the Red Cross hospital, Yuanban Ye Qin, deputy director of the Medical Service Director and Professor Zhang Mingfu Wang Huiying,, Medical Service Qiu Zhiyuan teacher is very meticulous, rigorous toward this worthy Parents explain the upcoming donation process, during which they were moved to tears several times.

Expect more understanding

Considering the daughter had mentioned, to be able to donate organs donated all out to donate when discussing the issue of the heart, a small tube of parents said without hesitation, if the heart is healthy, it must also donate. Cardiac Surgery Professor Yang came specially from Zhongshan Hospital to parents to explain the transplanted heart to warm ischemia time demanding to be taken down before the heart stops completely, which is to be carried out as soon as possible after the determination of brain death. According to China's traditional concept of a person only heart stopped beating, can be a real death, therefore, most people even have the willingness to donate organs, and can not accept prior to cardiac arrest, the heart of the removal from the body.

"But then, a small tube of parents agreed." Mentioned tubules parental consent to donate the heart of the scene, Huashan Hospital, Deputy Chief Chen diligent propaganda conceal choked,, eyes red.

But the final results are not as people would like to do, January 4 am, a small tube girl's vital signs have deteriorated, the doctor tried to rescue; 10:10, by two neurosurgeons brainstem evoked potentials and EEG examination, the diagnosis of brain death; 10:13, ECG showing a straight line, declared clinically dead; heart tubules not had time to be transplanted. "In fact, the small tubes that parents most want to donate the heart, because in their view, if the daughter's heart continues to beat in another body, the daughter had been alive, but unfortunately, did not realize this wish.

Now a small tube of a pair of kidneys have been transplanted were given a 16-year-old boy and a 37-year-old man, the liver due during tubule TUE produce deterioration of liver function, nor can donate, in addition, a small tube of the cornea due to myopia surgery done during his lifetime, not suitable for transplantation. "

Chen told reporters diligence,gucci outlet scarpe, could not donate because of the heart, a small tube parents have always felt very sorry,chaussure louboutin pas cher, "the parents are really good, good enough to cause you can not bear to give them a little bit of damage. Before television also made contact with us I hope the matter reported, but parents must request tubules photographed interview. When I think television mother conveyed to the tube, the tube mother is very difficult, because the issue of organ donation has spread to relatives, and do not understand their friends and family have views on them, that they want to be famous, just heartless let their only child died in such a way. see tube mother embarrassed expression, we finally declined the television interview, after all, they are A pair of Shidu, family is very important to them. "

Dr. Huashan Hospital Organ Transplantation Institute of Medicine Zhang said in an interview, organ donation work in Shanghai in December 2012 was officially launched soon, the work of human organ donation, Huashan Hospital, also the second year of a March 14 started. But the start date, the whole patient Shanghai voluntarily donated organs are only three or four cases in our hospital is the first case of a small tube girl. As far as I know, before tubules parents, there are a few cases of so-called organ donation is not entirely "free",, but not in our hospital, some of the details is not good to go into detail. I just want to say, like father pipe tube mother such a person really is by far the noblest of the people we met, from beginning to end, they did not talk about it with the Red Cross hospital with conditions. So, I am here as an individual commitment, future loss of independence which the old couple, if you encounter any problems in individual medical, I will do my best to help them.

Institutional Dilemma

"This is a positive energy of the event, very touching, but in these, we should also see the work of organ donation Problems." Zhang pointed out in an interview, first of all, the government signed a citizen before his death, "organ donor registration table, "the propaganda is not enough, so that parents like tubules people are willing to donate, donations can not be found in a short way.

"In looking for ways to donate this process, the small tube mother asked hospital staff, but a start but did not get an answer, visible on the concrete implementation of organ donation work is problematic, doctors do not know how you can not expect ordinary people know? Even if they find Baoshan District Red Cross, also almost erroneous registration form, as a specialized department responsible for organ donation, I can not understand why the Red Cross, Baoshan District, will commit such a mistake. "Zhang said tubules parents on the issue of organ donation is really too attached, put the average person, asked several times to ask less, likely will give up. Tubules mother was removed in all sectors to find half a month,scarpe hogan donna, but fortunately in this process, a small tube has also been alive, if she could not find a donor before his mother died way, it will be even greater regret.

Zhang said that in the international medical community in general will be the death of brain death as the standard, as long as the donation of organs of brain dead donors in the state,nike tn pas cher, you can harvest organs for transplant. The medical profession in China, or generally accepted brain death, cardiac death, death double standards. This means that the heart transplant in China could not get implemented.

Zhang told reporters that the so-called brain death different from what we normally refer to a vegetative state,, brain death is meant to encompass the whole brain, including the brainstem irreversible loss of function of the state. "Vegetable" brainstem function exists only in a coma due to serious damage to the cerebral cortex or in a sudden state suppression, patients may have spontaneous breathing, heartbeat and brainstem response, no spontaneous breathing and brain death is permanent, irreversible. Therefore, the medical profession has a vegetative state wake of cases, but the human brain death can not wake up again, do not worry, there are many people in the state of brain death organ donation, who ruined the "resurrection" of the possible.

"If I had a small tube after brain death, no cardiac death soon, we will have time to take out her heart transplant patients to other words, according to strict procedures speaking, we are against the law. But at that time, eager to donate her face heart to let her daughter continue to follow the life of a small tube parents, and many patients waiting for life-saving organs, we hope to make some attempts in this case, but then unfortunately, the heart of a small tube in her brain dead two or three minutes of time where it stops for. "Turning to comfort relatives of organ donors, Zhang said he personally approves of donors after the completion of the relatives to donate, receive some financial compensation, but the money should come out by the Red Cross In this regard, the local Red Cross and the arrangements do not uniform, at least in Shanghai, the Red Cross and no such provision.



Shanghai fewer cases of organ donation

According to latest statistics from the Shanghai office of organ donation, organ donation since Shanghai started a pilot to December 31, 2013, five cases of organ donation in Shanghai to achieve, in January of this year, there was the three cases of organ donation. Among them, the Shanghai local donations have two cases, and compared to other cities, Shanghai organ donation cases remains small.

China on February 25, 2013 the former Ministry of Health and the Red Cross Society launched a national referendum after the death of voluntary organ donation work, far more than 1300 cases have been donated. However, the management system of organ transplant industry is still relatively backward.

To avoid the scarcity of organs and organ trading triggered by the abuse of power, Chinese organ donation and transplantation requires the management committee, 169 organ transplant hospitals must enforce China qualified organ allocation and sharing of computer systems.

In Shanghai,chaussures nike pas cher, the first batch of 17 pilot hospitals human organ donation, but only one of the assigned button, organ donation in the Shanghai office. Chinese human organ sharing and distribution subsystem Shanghai computer system even more stringent than the national, the computer system can automatically provide the most scientifically fair to match donor and recipient information,, can make the greatest possible exclusion of human disturbance within one minute. Among them, the family of the donor who had scored high.

Director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission of Human Organ Transplant Clinical Application Management Committee Huang Jiefu said the 2014 mid Methodist Medical Affairs Planning Authority will have 169 qualified furniture organ transplant hospital for examination and assessment: any qualified hospital, if After the death of citizens did not carry out a voluntary organ donation program will be canceled qualification; any doctor, if you are using a shared system of organ transplant other than transplant qualifications will also be canceled.

(According to "Morning News" reported finishing)