but also considered other way out

The reporter Lixue Meng

Deep in the mountains of Lushan County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, there is a small village of less than 500 people --- Zhao Village Hall Village. In recent years, this remote and backward village has come out of nearly 30 students, in the eyes of the local folks, this depends entirely alone to prop up a school substitute teacher Renzong 30 years. Renzong childhood suffering from polio, right leg barely walk, but he was to footer disability, holding less than 300 yuan monthly salary in the depths of the mountains with quiet dedication and teaching. "I get out of the ravine, to use my knowledge to help the kids out of the ravine, so that they see the outside world more colorful." Renzong Yu's story touched many people, reporters connect the waist ordinary village teachers, listening to him talk about the life experience and a strong ideals and beliefs of their own misfortune.

Renzong Yu said, I myself get out of the ravine, to use my knowledge to help the kids out of the ravine, so that they see the outside world more colorful.

On Thursday morning, the reporter called Renzong the phone, he was marking papers, the first of his three-year total of 21 children taught the day has just finished final exams. Like other schools, the kids will change the finished papers winter vacation, a semester will be successfully concluded. This was the first career Renzong taught 60 semesters. Since graduating from high school in 1980 as a village hall teacher, he has stood on the podium for 30 years.

Small village only a teacher, missed only one positive chance of illness, has a monthly income of less than 300 yuan, the body of disability in the rugged mountain fell numerous times

Renzong has almost 47 years of life is associated with only one place that Lushan County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, Zhao Village Hall Village. He was born here, graduated from high school and later taught here, in addition to the field treatment, almost never left this village deep in the mountains.

Renzong childhood ill-fated, and they had a few small and death pass. One year old when he contracted polio, only one leg can walk. Perhaps it is because of mobility, Renzong childhood academic performance has been very good, from primary to high school, has been ranked the top three in the class. 1980, Renzong attended college entrance examination, but because the university can not be blocked at the door by a medical examination. The village leadership to find him, hoping that he would ditch school to substitute the Church. Renzong not, a promise down since then became a teacher. In 1982 he once again honors passed the private teacher appointment card.

As students too, near the village schools were integrated, Church Village, high school students are placed in four or five kilometers away, Zhao Village Elementary School third. The rest of the preschool and first and second year to stay in the village hall. Renzong become the only teacher here, he will not only give students a language, math class, but also on art, music, physical education, and moral lessons. His students usually around 15-20, this year added together have 21 kids, all classes in the village school hall a classroom.

From home to school, only a short 500 meters, but for Renzong, the section of the road is so long. In this way,tiffany italia, he had fallen numerous times. Renzong from home to school to go through two rivers. Fortunately, some of the spring and autumn, Renzong move the line for half an hour, you can basically get to school. However, winter and summer, every time I go school, it is time for Renzong ordeal. In summer the water rose, ditches stones were all flooded, when almost every day to wade across the river fell in the river, which he almost always wet clothes; in winter, snow and slippery, he could only sit move forward a little bit on the ground, no matter how cold the day after the school he would sweating profusely.

1989 Renzong already 26 years old, which at the time of the village, is definitely older teens. But because of his legs, no girl wants to marry him. Parents scraped together some money for him to go to Jiangxi Fengcheng corrective leg stump. Correction is a long process, this time he asked for sick leave, interrupted for a year teaching. But is this break, so he missed the opportunity to private teachers to positive. "This is the only opportunity for a positive future that I do not miss 'in the series', and by voluntary termination processing. At that time, I naively thought that the future can still go through, but then have no chance, I became repaying wait supernumerary substitute teachers. "

No teacher identity,jordan pas cher, the treatment is more low Renzong also been shaken, "It was really a bit confused, but also considered other way out, but I think folks are taught well, they are the village people say I hope I can continue to make good education their offspring. I was almost in tears promised to stay. "

Substitute teachers do not pay, Renzong income is now out of the township government office expenses in part from grants issued to him in the form of an annual total of 3500 yuan. When the holidays, the unit federations, Education and other with "warmth" form part of the bailout money given to the other folks at the New Year will be a couple of hundred dollars raised spontaneously expressed his thanks to the teacher, and this is the year of all income Renzong .

"I get out of the ravine, to help children out of the ravine"; "Are you with the knowledge to change my destiny, and now not even feed themselves are not resolved."

Renzong like brains, very careful, very curious about new things, like studying. He groped repair radios, watches, some small appliances detachable. Once a boss to find him, expressed willingness to invite him to the work of the county line appliance repair, providing thousands of monthly salary. There is a student working in the South has also been in touch with him, helping him to a local electronics factory workers, income is a teacher several times. "Thought I was once at a loss when moving through the heart, but after thinking, I made a commitment to always stay at home, stay at the kids around, when their teacher." He said that he do so, partly because The villagers say they teaching well and the kids can not do without their own; see also because some farmers because life does not have to make a lot of foolish things culture, which makes his firm determination to get out of their own because of a disability ravine but use their knowledge to help children out of the valley, so that they see the outside world more colorful.

For 30 years, Renzong has taught hundreds of students, in which hundreds of students out of the nearly 30 students, of which there are graduate students. Church Village kids along rough roads out of the valley, into the Wuhan University, Henan University, Zhengzhou University and other institutions of higher learning, the teacher can never achieve the dream. These student achievement and early high school course of study inseparable, but denied elementary education is a human life is the most important education.

These students all have deep feelings Renzong. A tempest champion since graduating students to work in Zhejiang, Henan University. Every time he came home,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, including marriage, the first one is going to pay a visit to any teacher. He Renzong Yu said: "The teacher you with the knowledge to change my destiny,http://www.mydiyclub.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, and now not even feed themselves are not resolved, as a student and we are very sad!."

Renzong Yu for his life and nothing but complain, he believes he has been very lucky. Teach their own children have made achievements, see the outside world, to obtain a richer knowledge, as he saw the outside of the world. See the children taught, they never looked sensible Mongolian children to go to college, or to all sectors of society to do good things, even more than happy to personally go out.

Teaching is important, education is more important; many years of practice and explore the unique teaching methods, learning can not be sitting in a classroom dream, to go to nature

When had left the podium, Renzong only 17 years old. "At that time he is young, there is no deep thinking teaching .30-year-old after he experienced more things, to the teacher this career also began many considerations. Human life does require a wise and level teachers, especially in the Enlightenment period. I would not say he is a qualified teacher, but at least I have been trying to do that. I have often thought that parents send their children over to me, is to give up their lives I am responsible for the children's lives. "

Renzong Yu said, teaching is important, education is more important, the child must be brought up to develop a correct concept of life, it is about his life. Therefore, teaching them basic cultural knowledge, Renzong more attention to the child's personality and character training.

In the long-term teaching practice, Renzong also summed up a unique teaching method --- duplex pedagogy. "City people may not understand this approach, which is the remote mountainous areas and other conditions behind the method of last resort."

Duplex teaching, referring to the lack of backward areas of teaching equipment, a classroom, there are different grades of children at school, the teacher must use special methods for school children. Movement with, so that different grades of children do not affect each other, try to make each other.

Renzong own love writing, published some "small chunks", he hopes his expertise can bring children's writing initiative, it also actively using oral composition pedagogy. "Writing is a lot of kids headache, often feel unable to pick up a pen to write, I leave them to write something first with oral say it again, everyone said, and then we work together to judge, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages to each other, then then put pen to paper. This motivates the children's interest, greatly improving students' writing achievement. "Renzong encourage children to observe life, wrote a cat, you put the kids at home to observe the cat's physical characteristics, habits, children are generally rich curiosity, make the best use of this approach to help children improve the understanding of life, the ability to observe life. "Learning is not sitting in a classroom utopian nature want to go."

Despite the remoteness of the village primary school, but Renzong try to enrich children's leisure life, he often took them to play games, but also set the table tennis and other sports facilities. Children need the library, he put his many years of accumulated hundreds of books along with bookshelves moved with the school from home. In order to improve the standard of teaching, he insisted on writing every day education essays, essays he has accumulated dozens of the country, more than one million words.

An article drew a notice of management's wife, "no matter no matter how tough hard, our mind can not be changed, it is necessary to teach children not to give up these children."

Renzong Yu said physical disabilities in rural areas is the biggest obstacle to marriage, their marriage has suffered a great setback. I did not expect at 35 years old, because a little essay, he has harvested a good marriage.

1999, Henan "education Times" launched a program called "I wish," Essay Contest. Renzong with "village teacher's wish," wrote a little article for participating in activities and published. A 20-year-old girl Zhumadian Xiaowen time to take things to the post office, accidentally saw this article. She was fond of village education, more than 30 years of age have not experienced a family deeply touched, wrote a letter to Renzong. After a period of correspondence, Xiaowen break through the layers of resistance, decided to come to the side Renzong, the year Renzong 35, Xiaowen 15 years younger than him. They now have a 10-year-old daughter. Daughter also became his student, sophomore follow Renzong after reading, go to the Township Central Primary School.

Xiaowen after arrival, Renzong a home, to focus more intently spent on teaching. Xiaowen notice of management, is also very good, not only outside the house,http://www.shujuquan.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, who won all of the job of teaching Renzong Yu also helped a lot, she afford the children's music and physical education in Renzong something out of time,air jordan pour femme, but also up classes for kids. In Renzong eyes, Xiao Wen's wife is a stronger, but also quite a character. In her own words,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, "if not a little personality I would not be here, but will not marry a disabled person."

Xiaowen initially because the spirit is Renzong love education, willing to sacrifice touched, so she often said, "Our intention is not changed, no matter no matter how tough hard, we should also teach the children not to give up these children." To Subsidies life, she lent around, leans over 30,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,000 dollars in the hills behind the house run from the small farm. "Human life on the line to do one thing, he is a mountainous area of education to contribute, and I for him to contribute, I think we are all hard-working people, my life will get better." Xiaowen on Renzong said: "You are not positive life, I can start, I rely on chicken feed you." For his strong backing of his wife, Renzong full of gratitude and guilt.

The village people go out almost all teachers of students; people with disabilities also have the ideal self-esteem, and myself alive just a little bit with others; keep the faith of the people deserve the respect of society

Villager Wang Chunhuai 6 year-old daughter is now followed on either preschool teacher, his son followed the teacher after completing either admitted to the county's focus on high school. He was also a student Renzong Yu, his two younger brothers also are Renzong student, and later an admitted Henan University, Zhengzhou University, an admitted.

Wang Chunhuai told reporters that the village out of almost all teachers of students, "teacher who is a good man, folks are very grateful to him. He is not only a good education, is also very concerned about the children, the adults in the village because of work or working regularly not at home to take care of any child care teachers and even better than the parents. "He said that any honest teacher, because he is disabled, and sometimes we want to help him, but he was unwilling to accept others from the charity," the couple two hard, but the village is no better way. "

Although Renzong unwilling to accept the help of others, but he was deeply intentioned folks in mind. His life has been very difficult before 2000,http://bbs.anjian.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, his salary is only 60 yuan per month, this situation lasted for five or six years; and in 2003 no longer to finance private teacher wages, the ensuing three years, no Renzong received a penny. Many villagers know, to help him harvest crops, for him to send food, thank him for his own unique way. "One winter I was sick, villagers spontaneously committee meeting the requirements for my contributions were donated 1,000 yuan to let me see a doctor; I usually burn firewood home parents are sent, they often give me some home-grown dish. "

Renzong loved calligraphy, Chinese New Year and sometimes write some couplets let Xiaowen get the market up to sell. Folks see is any teacher wrote, had not ready to buy couplet also buy the two; in fact, there are some kids in the family did not go to school folks will chose to buy a house Renzong couplet, "It's all folks in I express gratitude for the help and I put them all in mind in the heart. can not be used in other ways to return, I can better teach children about villagers why doing it, do not want to keep me continue to teach Their children do? I feel alive, think of these as well as with others. "Because of his trust, even the villagers came to the village near the village hall rental housing, only to let the children learn to follow any of the teachers.

And when reporters call, Ren Zongyu voice has been slow, calm revealed by a firm. He said: "'Why do often with tears in my eyes, it is because I dearly for this piece of land', which is Ai Qing's poem, is my motto in this less than 500 people in a small village. cultivate nearly 30 college students, graduate students, medals there me a credit. to see the children's growth, development,air jordan pour femme, and that is my greatest pride. holidays, all walks of life the children greet me, visit I, I can not help but fall happy tears of excitement. At the same time, because the love of education, I get happy,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, a home, a daughter,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, to make up for a lot of regret in my life. "

As a disabled person, Renzong have more self-esteem than normal spirit. He mutilated body as one day quietly doing for the kids in the village for decades dedication to guide rural children the proper first step in life. Due to various reasons, we are today still very lack of educational resources,air jordan femme, the distribution is also very average, under realistic conditions which need Renzong so loving home, love the countryside elementary education teacher. In remote mountainous areas, such as Ren Zongyu teacher there are many, by virtue of their simple and pure emotion which stands at the ideal conditions behind the podium, society should give him more warmth. Keep the faith community who deserve more respect and care. (This article photo Jiajun Sheng Chang)